Holiday Camps

Action-Packed Holiday Camps to Keep Your Little Ones Entertained Every School Holiday

February Half Term

Get ready for an exciting and fun-filled half term holiday camp where adventures and exciting activities await your child!

Easter Holidays

We offer a wide range of exciting sports and activities, including Easter egg hunts, arts and crafts, outdoor games, and themed challenges.

May Half Term

Our May Holiday Camp is designed to keep your children engaged and active with a perfect balance of fun and development,


Give your kids an unforgettable summer camp with a wide range of exciting activities, team challenges, and more.

October Half Term

Our October Holiday Camp is the perfect choice for parents looking to provide their little ones with a memorable and enriching break.


This festive season, give your child the gift of an unforgettable holiday experience filled with fun, adventure, and friendships.

School Services

Our planned and progressive Curriculum PE sessions at Active Education are designed to inspire children to have fun while learning and staying active.

Curriculum PE

Our high-quality sports and physical activity programmes are designed to improve school PE and develop the physical literacy of children.

Sports Coaching

Our tailored sports coaching for schools is designed to enhance the skills, confidence, and overall well-being of students through engaging and dynamic sports activities.

Active Education

Designed to ignite a passion for physical activity among primary school students.

After School Clubs

Offers high quality after school clubs that provide a safe environment for children to learn new skills, develop friendships, and stay active.

Educational Coaching

Our innovative approach, experienced coaches, and tailored programs designed to meet the unique needs of each school.

Educational Sports

Focused on promoting holistic development, aiming to instil a love for learning through the joy of sports.

Schools Coaching

Designed to inspire and empower young athletes, fostering a love for sports and promoting physical well-being.

Wrap Around Care

we understand the importance of creating a nurturing and stimulating environment for students beyond the traditional school day.

Parent Services

For more than a decade, we have been offering enjoyable and educational services that aid parents.

Football Classes

Sessions for all levels of experience. For those new to football, our beginner classes focus on fundamental skills such as ball control, passing, and basic game tactics.

Holiday Clubs

Offering a secure, enjoyable, and supportive setting for children aged 4-11 years every school holiday, winning the hearts of both children and parents..

Half Term Holiday Clubs

Our holiday clubs are designed to keep kids active, engaged, and learning while having a blast during their time off from school.

Summer Camps

Curated range of exciting and educational summer camps designed to provide an enriching experience for children of all ages.

Breakfast Clubs

A welcoming and inviting environment where children can enjoy a balanced meal before starting their day of learning.

Understanding the link between nutrition education and children’s health and sports performance can be a real game-changer. It’s no secret that the food kids eat can significantly influence their physical health, energy levels, and even their ability to concentrate. But did you know that nutrition education can also play a pivotal role in a child’s sports performance?

The role of food in sports isn’t just about fuelling up before a game or replenishing energy after a tough match. It’s about understanding how different nutrients contribute to the body’s overall functioning, enhancing performance, and assisting recovery. More than this, instilling good eating habits early on can set the stage for a lifetime of healthy choices.

So, whether you’re a parent of a budding athlete or a coach wanting to get the best out of your team, stick around. You might just find the fuel to supercharge your young athletes’ performance.

The Core Principles of Nutrition Education

To better understand the impact of nutrition education, it’s essential to explore the core principles that underpin this vital component of children’s health and well-being. Nutrition education encompasses a range of topics, including:

1. The importance of a balanced diet: This principle teaches children the value of consuming a variety of foods from all food groups, highlighting the significance of a nutrient-rich diet in supporting overall health and growth.

2. The role of different nutrients: Children learn about essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, gaining an understanding of the specific functions and benefits of each nutrient in the body.

3. Making age-appropriate choices: Nutrition education helps children to make informed decisions about their diet, taking into account their age, activity levels, and individual needs.

4. Hydration: Children are taught the importance of proper hydration in supporting their overall health, performance in sports, and cognitive abilities.

Enhancing Sports Performance Through Nutrition Education

Proper nutrition is a critical aspect of children’s sports performance. By teaching children the crucial role of nutrition in supporting their physical abilities, we empower them with the knowledge to make choices that enhance their performance, prevent injuries, and support recovery. Key ways in which nutrition education can improve children’s performance in sports include:

1. Optimising energy levels: A balanced diet, rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats, ensures that children have the necessary energy to participate in sports and activities fully. Nutrient-dense foods, consumed at the appropriate times, can fuel their bodies, enhance endurance, and improve overall performance.

2. Supporting muscle growth and repair: Consuming high-quality proteins is essential for children’s muscle growth, repair, and recovery, particularly for those participating in sports. Nutrition education teaches children about the importance of protein intake and helps them make informed choices about protein sources.

3. Preventing injuries: A balanced, nutrient-rich diet enables children to maintain strong bones, healthy muscles, and flexible joints, reducing the risk of injuries during sports and activities. Adequate hydration also plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal body function and preventing heat-related illnesses.

Implementing Nutrition Education in Physical Education Programmes

Integrating nutrition education into existing physical education programmes can be an effective way of ensuring children develop healthy habits and improve their sports performance. Here are some practical strategies for incorporating nutrition education:

1. Introduce Nutrition Topics in Classes: Include discussions on nutrition principles during regular physical education classes. Tie these discussions to specific sports or activities, making the knowledge more relatable and engaging for children.

2. Foster Hands-on Learning: Encourage children to participate in hands-on activities that promote nutrition education, such as engaging in culinary workshops or creating meal plans. These activities can help children get excited about healthy food choices and develop a greater appreciation for nutrition.

3. Collaborate with Health Professionals: Partner with nutritionists, dietitians, and healthcare professionals to share their expertise and insights, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information is provided to children.

4. Encourage Parental Involvement: Engage parents in the process of nutrition education, as they play a vital role in supporting children’s healthy food choices at home. Keep them informed about the importance of proper nutrition and provide resources and guidance on promoting healthy eating habits within the family.

Exploring the Role of Nutrition Education in Boosting Performance in Youth Sports

Imparting nutrition education to children can significantly improve their health and sports performance. Still, it must be part of a broader strategy that includes access to healthy food and opportunities for regular physical activity. By doing so, we can nurture a generation of children who are not only physically active and successful in sports but also health-conscious and aware of the importance of good nutrition.

At Sprint Active Education, we’re committed to integrating nutrition education into our sport education programmes for kids, empowering children with critical knowledge for making informed, healthy choices that will support them throughout their lives. 

Through our holistic approach, we strive to shape a future generation that values and understands the importance of nutrition for lifelong health and success in sports.