Holiday Camps

Action-Packed Holiday Camps to Keep Your Little Ones Entertained Every School Holiday

February Half Term

Get ready for an exciting and fun-filled half term holiday camp where adventures and exciting activities await your child!

Easter Holidays

We offer a wide range of exciting sports and activities, including Easter egg hunts, arts and crafts, outdoor games, and themed challenges.

May Half Term

Our May Holiday Camp is designed to keep your children engaged and active with a perfect balance of fun and development,


Give your kids an unforgettable summer camp with a wide range of exciting activities, team challenges, and more.

October Half Term

Our October Holiday Camp is the perfect choice for parents looking to provide their little ones with a memorable and enriching break.


This festive season, give your child the gift of an unforgettable holiday experience filled with fun, adventure, and friendships.

School Services

Our planned and progressive Curriculum PE sessions at Active Education are designed to inspire children to have fun while learning and staying active.

Curriculum PE

Our high-quality sports and physical activity programmes are designed to improve school PE and develop the physical literacy of children.

Sports Coaching

Our tailored sports coaching for schools is designed to enhance the skills, confidence, and overall well-being of students through engaging and dynamic sports activities.

Active Education

Designed to ignite a passion for physical activity among primary school students.

After School Clubs

Offers high quality after school clubs that provide a safe environment for children to learn new skills, develop friendships, and stay active.

Educational Coaching

Our innovative approach, experienced coaches, and tailored programs designed to meet the unique needs of each school.

Educational Sports

Focused on promoting holistic development, aiming to instil a love for learning through the joy of sports.

Schools Coaching

Designed to inspire and empower young athletes, fostering a love for sports and promoting physical well-being.

Wrap Around Care

we understand the importance of creating a nurturing and stimulating environment for students beyond the traditional school day.

Parent Services

For more than a decade, we have been offering enjoyable and educational services that aid parents.

Football Classes

Sessions for all levels of experience. For those new to football, our beginner classes focus on fundamental skills such as ball control, passing, and basic game tactics.

Holiday Clubs

Offering a secure, enjoyable, and supportive setting for children aged 4-11 years every school holiday, winning the hearts of both children and parents..

Half Term Holiday Clubs

Our holiday clubs are designed to keep kids active, engaged, and learning while having a blast during their time off from school.

Summer Camps

Curated range of exciting and educational summer camps designed to provide an enriching experience for children of all ages.

Breakfast Clubs

A welcoming and inviting environment where children can enjoy a balanced meal before starting their day of learning.

Sprint Active Education, a market-leading sports and physical education company, understands the pivotal role physical education plays in enhancing children’s mental health and well-being. Regular engagement in sports and physical activities offers numerous psychological benefits, from fostering emotional resilience and stress relief to boosting self-esteem and social connectedness. In an age where children face unprecedented pressures – from academic expectations to social media – it is crucial to recognise the importance of physical education in supporting and promoting emotional and psychological well-being.

Physical activities and sports provide an essential outlet for children to release stress, develop coping mechanisms, and improve their mood through the natural production of endorphins. Furthermore, regular physical exercises can contribute to better sleep patterns, enhanced concentration, and a stronger sense of self-efficacy – all of which are critical factors that impact children’s mental health. Additionally, physical education can serve as an opportunity for children to establish supportive social relationships, develop self-discipline, and acquire essential life skills that foster personal growth.

In this article, we will delve into the impact of physical education on children’s mental health and well-being, exploring the array of psychological benefits associated with regular participation in sports and physical activities. We will also discuss practical strategies for integrating physical education into daily routines, and how parents, educators, and coaches can work together to foster a culture of physical and mental well-being for children. Join us as we uncover the powerful effects of physical education on children’s mental health, and learn how Sprint Active Education is committed to nurturing emotional resilience and personal growth through its innovative programmes.

Emotional Resilience and Stress Relief through Physical Education

Physical education plays a significant role in fostering emotional resilience and stress relief among children. Participating in sports and physical activities helps children release tension, allowing them to disengage from daily stressors while providing a valuable coping mechanism. The natural production of endorphins during exercise also boosts mood and overall well-being. As a result, children develop the invaluable ability to face challenges, adapt to adversity, and maintain emotional stability through regular physical activity.

Enhancing Self-esteem and Self-efficacy

Physical education offers children the opportunity to build their self-esteem and self-efficacy, essential components of mental health. By engaging in regular sports and activities, children can track their progress, set goals, and celebrate their accomplishments. This process instils a sense of pride, increasing their belief in their capabilities and fostering self-confidence. Through physical education, children can build a positive self-image and nurture an intrinsic motivation to pursue personal growth and achievement.

Fostering Social Relationships and Connectedness

Children who participate in physical education often learn to establish and maintain supportive social relationships. Engaging in sports and activities offers an opportunity for children to connect with their peers, build trust, and develop empathy – all vital components of emotional well-being. Moreover, team sports reinforce the importance of cooperation, unity, and mutual support, contributing to a strong sense of belonging and camaraderie amongst children. These positive social connections help to mitigate feelings of isolation, anxiety and loneliness, ensuring children are well-equipped both emotionally and socially.

Improving Sleep Patterns and Cognitive Function

Regular physical activity is closely linked to improved sleep patterns and cognitive function in children. Physical education can contribute to better sleep quality, leading to enhanced concentration, mood regulation, and overall mental health. Furthermore, physical exercise has been shown to facilitate cognitive performance by improving attention, focus, and problem-solving skills. By integrating physical education into daily routines, children can experience improved cognitive function, ensuring long-term academic success, personal growth, and emotional resilience.

Implementing Physical Education for Mental Health and Well-being

Here are some practical strategies for incorporating physical education into children’s lives to support and enhance mental health and well-being:

1. Create a Balanced Routine: Parents and educators should ensure a consistent routine that incorporates physical education into daily life, alongside academic pursuits and leisure activities.

2. Offer a Variety of Activities: Cater to different interests and abilities by providing a diverse range of sports and physical activities, ensuring each child finds an enjoyable and engaging form of exercise.

3. Emphasise the Importance of Mental Health: Educate children about the connections between physical activity and mental health, inspiring them to take initiative in nurturing their own well-being.

4. Collaborate with Professionals: Seek guidance from physical education professionals, coaches, and teachers to assist in devising an effective physical education programme tailored to individual needs and personal growth.


Physical education plays a critical role in enhancing children’s mental health and well-being, providing an opportunity for emotional resilience, stress relief, self-esteem, social connectedness, and cognitive function development. By incorporating sports and physical activities into children’s lives, we can contribute to their emotional and psychological well-being, fostering a foundation of personal growth and lifelong success. 

Sprint Active Education is dedicated to promoting the importance of physical and sport education as a tool for nurturing mental health, and transforming the lives of children and their families across the UK through its innovative programmes.